Good day from St. Joseph’s Indian School!

The weather in South Dakota cannot make up its mind – wind, snow, wind, cold temperatures, wind, sun and more wind! It has really been blowing these past few days and has taken the temperature down with it. Yesterday, I had to make a quick run to downtown Chamberlain and the wind decided to blow some falling snow into a mini blizzard.
As I cross the little bridge from downtown back toward campus, I feel like I’m on the set of Alfred Hitchcock’s “The Birds.” Several hundred Canada geese are still on in an inlet of the river that has not frozen over. They are everywhere!
Two of our high school girls just returned from a donor luncheon in southern California. They said there was a BIG difference in temperatures! Our Lakota students enjoy having the chance to travel – some of them for the first time – and visit with benefactors who support St. Joseph’s.
It is a great way for members of our tiyospaye – extended family – to see firsthand how they directly help Native American children. Our next luncheon will be in Cocoa Beach, Florida on the weekend of February 22-23, and then Atlantic City, New Jersey on the weekend of April 5-6. If you wish to attend, you can find more information here.
Three of our high school girls recently took part in campus visits to schools they might like to attend after high school. Stewart School of Beauty in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, offered a Senior Day experience. The girls were able to explore the world of cosmetology, tour the campus and were treated to pedicures or manicures at the end of the day. Pam, St. Joseph’s Transition Specialist, said two of the girls feel this could be a good fit for them.
Visits to colleges and technical schools are an important part of preparing our students for the future, and your support makes this possible. Pilamaya – thank you!
Monday held a special treat for St. Joseph’s students. Our teachers had an in-service day. While most schools would not be in session, it’s a little different at St. Joseph’s because of our residential setting. Instead of going home, students took a trip to the local movie theater for a screening of ‘Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs: 2.’
Hope each of you has a wonderful week and are able to stay warm! Thanks again for your generous support and prayers on behalf of our Native American students. May God’s blessings continue to be with you and your loved ones.
Fr. Anthony Kluckman, SCJ