We can describe our campus, students, staff and powwow until we are blue in the face, but it’s when you have the chance to experience St. Joseph’s Indian School in-person that the message truly sinks in. At least this was the reaction expressed by the nearly 500 supporters who attended the St. Joseph’s Indian School 41st Annual Powwow weekend, Sept. 14-16, 2017. Continue reading “Supporters Dub 41st Annual St. Joseph’s Powwow Weekend ‘a blast’”
Tag: Chamberlain South Dakota
21 St. Joseph’s students place at triathlon
At St. Joseph’s Indian School, it’s great to be able to offer facilities equipped with bikes, a pool and other recreational activities for our students. But, it’s even better when opportunities arise to share those things with the rest of the Chamberlain community.
Continue reading “21 St. Joseph’s students place at triathlon”
Christmas and Basketball at St. Joseph’s Indian School!
Good day from St. Joseph’s Indian School.
These past few days have been cold and windy… but there has been no heavy snow, which had closed the Interstate the previous week. The cold has kept the Missouri River frozen, which is what those who will be taking part in the ice fishing tournament next weekend like to hear.
Since St. Joseph’s students are away from campus for Christmas spending time with friends and family, we celebrated Christmas here the first Sunday after they returned (January 8). I was wondering what we should call the day and a young student came up to me and said, ‘happy St. Joseph’s Christmas!’ It is as good a name as anything else! Continue reading “Christmas and Basketball at St. Joseph’s Indian School!”
Welcoming in 2017 at St. Joseph’s Indian School!
Greetings from St. Joseph’s Indian School.
Things were a bit hectic here Monday as students began returning from Christmas Break. Due to the recent snow storms and cold snap in the upper Midwest, we are still missing a few students who have been unable to return.
We hope all students will be here by Sunday, Continue reading “Welcoming in 2017 at St. Joseph’s Indian School!”
What a great week at St. Joseph’s Indian School!
Good day from St. Joseph’s Indian School.
It has been a busy, and snowy, last few days at St. Joseph’s Indian School.
On Friday, we were scheduled to send 12 hand game participants and 17 archery contestants to Rapid City, South Dakota to take part in the 40th Annual Lakota Nation Invitational (LNI), but the roads were projected to be too dangerous to travel. LNI is a yearly gathering of Native Americans to take part in arts and crafts competition along with athletic, cultural and language contests.
Our Knowledge Bowl participants headed out on Thursday, so they were able to compete over the weekend. St. Joseph’s team earned 3rd place overall! Lily and Justin, two of our high school students, were awarded 1st place
in Grammar and Literature, respectively. We are so very proud of them.
Continue reading “What a great week at St. Joseph’s Indian School!”
Thanksgiving, Charlie Brown, Girls on the Run, Flat Francis and Healing at St. Joseph’s Indian School!
Greetings from a snowy St. Joseph’s Indian School.
We were lucky it was not snowing on Sunday when our students and staff returned to campus after Thanksgiving Break, but the weather has been making up for it since with wind, snow and low temperatures.
Break Home
While everyone was away for the holiday, it was rather quiet here on campus. We only had a few students in the Break Home, but they enjoyed themselves. On Black Friday, they Continue reading “Thanksgiving, Charlie Brown, Girls on the Run, Flat Francis and Healing at St. Joseph’s Indian School!”
Halloween, Voting Preparation and Lots of Activities at St. Joseph’s!
Good day from St. Joseph’s Indian School!
The weather has really been cooperating and gifting us with mild days as we keep moving deeper and deeper into Autumn. This is beneficial for our students since it gives them the chance to run around outside and breathe in the fresh air.
Even though the football and volleyball uniforms have been returned to the athletic department, our students still have the opportunity to get involved! Currently, our students are participating in archery, wrestling, gymnastics, girls’ basketball and Dancing Dolls and Dudes.
Continue reading “Halloween, Voting Preparation and Lots of Activities at St. Joseph’s!”
Native American Day, Acalympics and a Dance at St. Joseph’s!
Hello from St. Joseph’s Indian School.
It has been busy here on campus. We celebrated Native American Day on October 10 (South Dakota is the only state to recognize Native American Day in substitution of Columbus Day- read more below), hosted an Academic Acalympics Competition on October 19, and enjoyed a Halloween Dance sponsored by the National Honor Society students this past Friday.
Continue reading “Native American Day, Acalympics and a Dance at St. Joseph’s!”
The seasons are changing at St. Joseph’s Indian School
Good day from St. Joseph’s Indian School.
We pause for a moment of silence—the splashing fountain at the Akta Lakota Museum and Cultural Center has been covered. For St. Joseph’s staff and students, this is the real indication that the seasons are changing and it reminds us that winter is coming.
The change in weather can also bring a variety of illnesses with it, chief among them the flu. These past few days, St. Joseph’s students have been walking past my office on their way to the health center to receive their flu shots. Continue reading “The seasons are changing at St. Joseph’s Indian School”
Happy 4th of July Weekend from St. Joseph’s Indian School!!

Greetings from St. Joseph’s Indian School!
Things have slowed down quite a bit on campus. The Rising Eagle Day Camp culminated and the free lunch program for the community has also came to an end to give our staff a short break before the students return to campus on August 14.
Several students are staying on campus in our Summer Break Home. They recently spent a few days in Omaha, Nebraska. I will make sure to give a report on what they saw and did in my blog next week.

The most popular activity at this year’s summer camp was a slip-n-slide ‘waterslide’! A tarp was placed on a hill with a hose at the top, allowing the kids to slip and slide all the way to the bottom of the hill! Everyone enjoyed it immensely.
About a week or so ago, the Chamberlain Cubs High School varsity basketball team sponsored a clinic to help future NBA prospects perfect their game. Several of the young men from the Break Home took advantage of the opportunity, going to the gym each morning to hone their skills. They seemed to have a lot of fun and we’ll see if the extra training bears fruit when the basketball season opens in November.
Continue reading “Happy 4th of July Weekend from St. Joseph’s Indian School!!”