And so it begins!!

Greetings from St. Joseph’s Indian School where the school year is beginning to take shape. New staff orientation began this week and all staff will be next week. August 9 will see the student homes open and Monday morning, August 10, school will get underway.
I must commend our Human Resources Department for their hard work this summer. They seem to have filled all the slots needed to keep our programs running smoothly and make sure the Lakota (Sioux) children have everything they need when they arrive on campus. We look forward to the skills and abilities our new staff will bring to enhance the skills of our veteran staff.
As some of you may be aware, I was away to attend my niece’s wedding in Colorado Springs. It went well and I enjoyed the chance to catch up with my siblings and their families. One of my brothers accompanied me on the drive back and we hit Yellowstone, the Little Bighorn Battlefield and Devil’s Tower. The drive was truly breathtaking; we encountered wide open vistas in Wyoming, towering peaks in Grand Teton National Park, the big splash of Old Faithful going off right on time and the ruggedness of Yellowstone’s terrain.

The Little Bighorn Battlefield had several informative Rangers who related facts about the battle. Since my last visit, they have erected a monument to the Native Americans who took part in the engagement. In coming out of the park we turned East on US Highway 212 and headed to Devil’s Tower which, when you draw near to it, resembles a shark fin above the trees. It is truly magnificent. In Lakota tradition, this mountain tells the story of several young girls who were saved from bears.
My brother and I ended the trip with a swing through the Badlands, starting at the western entrance near Wall, South Dakota. We came out at Cactus Flats where there is a Minute Man Guided Missile display. We had hoped to be able to tour, but there were no tickets left for admission.
I hope you have been able to take some time off this summer and enjoy exploring our great country! One word of advice if you are over 62 and planning a trip: be sure to get a “$10 senior pass” which is good for life at all National Parks, except Mt. Rushmore.
Sturgis, South Dakota is gearing up to host the annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally celebrating the 75th anniversary of the gathering. Even though the ‘official’ start isn’t until next week, many are coming early. They are expecting a million people!
We won’t have quite that many at our annual powwow celebration on September 19, but we are looking forward to it nonetheless. All St. Joseph’s powwow events are open to the public – we’d love to have you join us! To learn more about our celebration or to register, call 1-800-584-9200 or visit
May God’s blessings continue to be with you and those you love.
Fr. Anthony Kluckman, SCJ