At St. Joseph's Indian School, our privately-funded programs for Lakota (Sioux) children in need have evolved over 90 years of family partnership, experience and education. Because of generous friends who share tax-deductible donations, Native American youth receive a safe, stable home life; individual counseling and guidance; carefully planned curriculum based on Lakota culture and individual student needs and tools to help build confidence, boost self-esteem and improve cultural awareness. All of this helps children to live a bright, productive, possibility-filled future.
Dr. Billie Kingfisher (second from right) stands beside two St. Joseph’s eighth grade graduates and President Mike Tyrell as he accepts the Distinguished Alumnus Award.
Therapy to heal from historical trauma and past abuse is available for students on campus at St. Joseph’s Indian School. One such program, is equine therapy.
People’s physical scars are often easily spotted. The visible wounds catch your eye, as if yelling to be noticed. But what about the hidden scars people – especially children – carry with them inside? What about the hurt within their hearts and minds?
Those are more difficult to see … which makes them easier to ignore.
Note: The following is a staff reflection written by Frank, our 7th-8th grade Residential Coordinator.
I attended a country school in the middle of nowhere South Dakota. This was my school from kindergarten to eighth grade. All the kids from this small country school were a tight-knit bunch, as were the families. We all belonged to 4-H, played softball in the summer, ice skated on stock ponds in the winter, took field trips during the school year and other childhood adventures. Looking back, those were fun times and I am lucky to have those memories.
St. Joseph’s Indian School nurses attended a conference to learn about the latest advancement in pediatric care.
Pediatric medicine is ever-changing. To stay on top of the latest advances, St. Joseph’s Indian School nurses recently made a 370-mile trip to the Mayo Clinic, an organization famous for research and medical advancement.