Keeping our focus

Our buildings are insured through Christian Brothers Insurance, and they came out to look over St. Joseph’s Indian School’s campus. While I always get a little nervous that they might find something that will take lots of effort or funds, I do appreciate having a skilled set of eyes check over what we are doing.

It helps keep our focus on things we might otherwise miss.

Overall the inspector was quite impressed with our facilities, policies and procedures. We have up to date manuals that we follow, and many different kinds of safety training throughout the year, from fire drills,  safe driving courses or how to handle blood when there is an accident. We were commended on having a separate storage building for the chemicals and products that are considered hazardous.  Human Resources had good documentation on staff participation in training, and we didn’t get flagged for any major violations. Kudos to the staff in HR and Facilities that stay on top of all that.

Christian Brother’s also has a magazine and several staff were interviewed for a story that will appear in the February issue. I met for an hour with Cyndi, a staff writer, who also spoke to houseparents and teachers to get an overall impression of the mission and philosophy of St. Joseph’s Indian School. I’ll be interested in seeing her impressions in print.

Game night at St. Joseph’s Indian School

While last week’s powwow ran well, one of the reasons it does so is our ongoing efforts at evaluation and improvement. We don’t have any control over the weather, but we do have much to do with all the other aspects. The wrap up meeting took far longer than previous planning meetings. We heard suggestions ranging from better identification of the homes open for tours to organizing dancers for the Grand Entry, to better strategic placing of porta-potties!

We had planned a mentor roller-skating outing to nearby Platte. But the prairie winds were in full force, and with 60 mph gusts the school districts cautioned against taking busses out on the open road. Staying home may have  saved me from another kind of danger, since my roller-skating prowess was shaky even when I was young. Instead, we gathered in the Rec Center for a quieter, yet still fun, game night. I taught Robert how to play Scrabble. We didn’t keep score and I just tried to put out longer words that would make it easier for him to build upon.

A successful meeting

Our Parents Advisory Council met today. We discussed the alumni center that is still in the planning stages, and how we can utilize our alumni as resources for helping our students pursue careers and connections. At the health center the parents and grandparents had a lively discussion with our nurses. The most common health issue we find our students facing is allergies and asthma. We talked about the procedures when a student gets an illness or injury that necessitates a trip to the hospital.

Head lice and childhood obesity are two health issues that can be embarrassing for youth to deal with, but also occur with increasing frequency. We discussed ways to work with these students in ways that don’t damage their self-esteem. Another self-esteem related issue is bullying. Julie, our Residential Coordinator and Jennie, our Student Coordinator explained ways we are addressing the effects of bullying on our students. Sadly, that has been such an ongoing problem for kids of every generation.

Donna, our HR Director, got parental input on ideas for continuing to recruit more Native American staff, across all departments, but particularly in the Homes. When our students have mentors who can more closely connect with their American Indian culture and experience, that is an invaluable resource.

Mark your calendars: September 14-15, 2012

I do try to carefully listen to the voice of God, but the voice I heard from the heavens today didn’t quite fit into that category. Right in the middle of my homily at mass this morning, our wireless microphone system picked up something broadcast on a signal frequency close to ours, and over the loudspeaker we heard part of what sounded like a town hall meeting! We had a good laugh, they tried to get back to the business of praying and giving thanks for what was truly a blessed and wonderful weekend. Several of our visitors were able to stay for services today as well.

The rest of the day, my adrenaline from the weekend finally wore off, and I took a nap, read and did laundry. Next year’s powwow will again be the third weekend in September.

We’re already dreaming of September 14-15, 2012!

Day two of our 35th annual powwow

Akta Lakota Museum & Cultural Center's ground breaking ceremony.
Akta Lakota Museum & Cultural Center's ground breaking ceremony.

This morning we broke ground for our Akta Lakota Museum & Cultural Center’s expansion that will include an alumni center, historical displays, medicine wheel garden of healing, and museum storage space. We had alumni representing everyone from a new first grader to Casmir LeBeau, who is in his 90’s and was in the first group of American Indian children to arrive at St. Joseph Indian School when it opened its doors in 1927!

Four of our homes were open for tours, so guests could glimpse what our homes and their routines are all about. Besides classroom learning – since our students live here – we have to make sure to teach them a lot about life as well.

I have so many memories from the powwow – wonderful turnout, people and dancers. I’m so grateful to our staff for making all this happen. If you have 6 minutes, take some time to watch the video from our 35th annual powwow that one of our staff produced. Pictures speak far more than my words can say.

One event that did move me a lot was when 4th grader Richard’s family asked for a special dance to honor him. He had some serious foot surgery on his growth plate last year, but is courageously pushing ahead with his dancing. Earlier during one of the rounds he fell, but got right up and kept going.

My family often makes the trip out for this special even this year. I was pleased to have Uncle Mickey and Aunt Betty join us.

We were graced with the presence of seven fine drum groups.

The Lakota (Sioux) dancers were great at our powwow!
The American Indian dancers were great at our powwow!

When the powwow was completed, we ate a feast of beef and buffalo stew prepared by our kitchen staff. Then it came time for awards. While not every dancer won a prize, everyone who danced was a winner in my eyes.

Day one of St. Joseph’s 35th annual powwow

In the morning, our visitors had their choice of several cultural workshops. Some folks made their own dreamcatchers, others learned drum songs or played traditional Lakota (Sioux) games. Our child service staff had panel discussions to answer questions about the work with our students. Planned Giving answered questions about our development efforts.

This afternoon, St. Joseph’s Indian School was open for tours and groups of two or three students from our American Indian leadership committee led a small group of donors throughout the building. All of the classrooms were open with a few extra chairs off to the side, for people to observe and interact. People told me they were impressed not just by what was in the classrooms, but also our well-developed and comprehensive philosophy of child care.

At three o’clock we gathered in the Rec  Center to announce St. Joseph’s Indian School’s Royalty for the 2011 powwow. Congratulations to Erin, Irene, Rebecca, Mary and Caden who will represent our school at the powwow and at cultural events throughout the coming year!

Jackie Bird offered a memorable performance of song, dance and sharing of tradition. She is also an accomplished designer of shawls and dance regalia. She enlisted the help of our girls to walk into the center of the circle wearing some of those creations, teaching about Lakota (Sioux) understanding of the significance of the directions, and our relationship with our winged and some of the hoofed relatives in creation.

Tonight, we held a banquet for our donors at Cedar Shores Convention Center, just across the Missouri River in Oacoma. The businesses we do business with use this occasion to give something back, and paid for the entire meal.  Our St. Joseph’s Chalk Hills Singers Drum Group set the pace for a few of our dancers, and an explanation was given about different powwow regalia and dance styles. A little introduction helps first time powwow goers to understand what they are seeing. One lucky guest won a beautifully sewn star quilt as a door prize. I enjoyed walking from table to table. I just wish I had more time to spend with each visitor.

Keep going even when times are hard

Visitors have been stopping at Akta Lakota Museum & Cultural Center all day to pick up their registration packets for our 35th annual powwow. The first person I saw when I went into the museum was Percy who comes all the way from Illinois and hasn’t missed a powwow in the seven years that I’ve been at St. Joseph’s Indian School. There were other folks who have been long time donors and have never been to the campus. As others talk about having wanted to come for many years, and have finally made it, their journey seems like a kind of pilgrimage. They picked up maps and schedules and are getting their plans in order for the next couple of days.

We started the morning by meeting with the auditors to get the preliminary financial report. The full report will go to the Board of Directors in October. We were again blessed with the financial support to be able to run the many quality programs we have available at St. Joseph’s Indian School and in our outreach programs.

Fr. Tom, my religious superior, is also out for his annual pastoral visitation. He will spend time with each SCJ in South Dakota, asking how we’re doing, and offering his support and encouragement. Besides the work at the school, he wanted to know about my health (still doing well) and the joys and challenges of religious life. He was superintendent at St. Joseph’s Indian School in the 70’s and 80’s and invested a lot of himself in this place.

In a slow, cold and dreary rain, three of our 7th and 8th grade cross-country runners competed against high school JV teams in the meet held at the Chamberlain golf course. I admire dedication even when the weather is nice for running. To see our students going hard in difficult conditions made the discomfort I felt minor by comparison.

I hope they learn that lesson in life too, to keep going even when times are hard.

Our powwow is hours away

After school I noticed that all our student powwow dancers were streaming toward the field. They were gathered to take a group picture, for it seems impossible to get everyone together in one spot once the dancing begins. Excitement is definitely building as the big day is just hours away.

Our drum group was in the school music room practicing as well. They have learned a few new songs and besides the Flag Song and Honor Song, they will play for some of the dancing as well. They’re nervous because the other drum groups are seasoned singers, but what they lack in experience, I know they’ll make up in enthusiasm.

St. Joseph’s history sleuths

Everyone on St. Joseph’s Indian School’s campus is in high gear preparing for this weekend’s 35th annual powwow events. It’s a lot of work, but something we look forward to every year.

While headed home for lunch, I ran into LaRae, one of our family service counselors, gathering up a group of 10 children for a “new student” group. They have lunch together and talk about their adjustments, and lend peer support to each other.

Our Cross Country team came home from yesterday’s White River meet with a win. All our runners – boys and girls – earned a ribbon, which should encourage them to keep training and improving.  Kyle and Cassidy came in first place in their respective races.

Dan, one of the Summerlee houseparents, has an interest in archeology. He set up a dig on campus to teach interested students about that science and see what they could find. On the first excavation they found a tin stamp, probably used to stamp letters with the St. Joseph’s Indian School seal, broken and discarded only to be uncovered by our history sleuths. We’ll see what other treasures they unearth and what it teaches them about the old days.

Peggy, one of our 4th grade teachers celebrated a birthday today. When I stopped by the classroom to wish her well, I discovered that the 4th grade boys in Cyr Home had baked a birthday cake for her and were sharing it with the class. They are pretty good cooks, though I think they had a little help!

Our 7th and 8th grade football team opened the season with an impressive win against Crow Creek 48 – 6. Dave is a new 8th grader this year and set the tone when on the opening kickoff he picked up a fumble and rumbled into the end zone. As the touchdowns piled up, our back up and younger players got more and more playing time. Several of our players are from the Crow Creek Indian reservation and were playing against friends and relatives. Lots of folks along the sidelines were cheering for both teams.

10th anniversary of the 9-11 attacks

St. Joseph's Indian School will never forget 9/11!
St. Joseph's Indian School will never forget 9/11!

As the country marks the 10th anniversary of the 9-11 attacks, we prayed for all the victims and their families at church today. At noon, we tolled the church bells and had the homes stop what they were doing for a moment of silence. Then each home had a common prayer to pray and remember.

While visiting the Sheehy (HS boys) Home, I asked if they had any vivid memories of that tragic day. Many of our students weren’t yet born in 2001. All the high school guys were between 4 and 7, and only a couple had a few vague memories. I was 4 when President Kennedy was shot, and I don’t remember any of that either. But I know what a sad event that was for the whole country and could understand how it affected people for years to come. As our students hear more stories and remembrances, I think 9-11 will become more real to them as time goes on, even if it was outside their initial experience.