Hello! I work in the Clinical Services Department as the Drug and Alcohol Prevention Coordinator at St. Joseph’s Indian School. The 2011-2012 school year will be my fourth year in this position. Prior to this position, I worked on the web site in the Marketing Department for three years. Both positions have taught me so much and even though the differences between them are like night and day, I’ve realized the employees of our organization share the same mission regardless of which department you work in.
I feel very fortunate to be in the Clinical Department; I really enjoy working with and getting to know our kids, and I get to work with a wonderful, supportive group of people.
I helped with summer camp during June. We hold a two-week camp for both the Crow Creek and Lower Brule Indian Reservations. Our bus travels to the reservation every morning to pick the kids up. When they get to campus the kids enjoy a full day of arts and crafts, recreational activities, a nutritious lunch, Lakota Studies and swimming. Snacks are handed out before the kids are bussed back to the reservation.
I have also gone on a few interviews this summer. Once parents/guardians submit an application for a child to attend St. Joseph’s Indian School, someone from the Clinical Department will travel (usually to the child’s home) and interview the parent/guardian and the child. It’s nice to meet new kids and their families. It’s pretty common for kids that are applying to have siblings or cousins that are already at St. Joseph’s, so it’s kind of neat to put the connections together.
Other tasks that are keeping me busy this summer include preparing for my 5th grade guidance class that will start when the kids come back for the school year and taking a college course. I am working towards my State Prevention Certification and am taking the last of five courses before I can take the certification exam. I am required to complete a service learning project for the course, and I chose to visit the Lower Brule, South Dakota Boys and Girls Club for a couple of days in which one of my colleagues and I shared prevention and cultural activities with the youth.
Summer is going so fast; it’s hard to believe, but the kids will be back on campus in about 5 weeks! Once school starts I will be busy facilitating Red Path groups, serving on the FAST (Families and Schools Together) team, preparing for Red Ribbon Week, administering random drug tests and most importantly, making sure that any of our students who need drug and alcohol services will be getting the help they need.
Our mission at St. Joseph’s Indian School is only possible because of your generosity. Thank you and God Bless!
Have a great rest of the summer!