Today, I was either meeting or eating. At our management meeting, we keyed in on strategic planning and preparations for the Board of Directors meeting. Mike, our Executive Director of Child Services, celebrates a birthday this week, so afterward we enjoyed a lunch together. We’re always tempted to talk business, but it was fun to let our talk drift towards sports and personal anecdotes.
This afternoon Fr. Jack, another of our SCJ Board of Directors arrived. While there is always work to be attended to, when SCJs come to visit it’s always a joy to sit around and talk, and find up what confreres are up to across the province. After Fr. Charlie’s death in Milwaukee over the weekend, we did some reminiscing about him. During Lent, we have all been spending extra prayer time praying for vocations so a new generation of SCJs can take up the great work that’s been started, and take up new challenges that our world will pose.
Too many meetings on such a spring day. We covered personnel issues, salary adjustments for the coming year and safety/security around campus.
Deacon Dave my predecessor, and Fr. Tom our provincial, rolled in for this week’s Board of Directors meeting. When Fr. Tom visits he enjoys making a pilgrimage to Al’s Oasis, where after a good meal he always orders their signature lemon cream cheese pie. Al’s is a local landmark that many travelers stop at on their way across country.
This evening, I went over to the gym and shot around with some of the high school students. Shay, who graduates next month, told me about her weekend visit to Creighton University in Omaha, where she has been accepted. She admitted to being somewhat intimidated at first at the sheer size of a major college campus. After meeting her potential roommate and familiarizing herself with the campus, she felt more comfortable. The idea and reality of college takes a while to sink in. I’m sure there will be many stages of adjustment along the way. But we are trying to prepare students to set off for new adventures and opportunities on their own.
As for my adjustment, it’s been about 10 months since my sarcoma surgery. It’s time now to get weaned off the medicine I’ve been taking to mask the nerve pain while the nerve endings slowly grow back. When I tried a while back the pain was too strong. Now it’s a bit bothersome, but it does feel like I’m making progress. I just need patience as it takes more time than I’d like.
Today was a picture perfect sunny spring day on the St. Joseph’s Indian School campus. I enjoyed it by walking around quite a bit to check in on folks around campus. Mark, who oversees our printing press operation, is back at work after recovering from a surgery. With most of our spring mailings printed, they are doing maintenance on the presses, but Mark has to be careful to supervise and not do any lifting for now. Dave is back in central storage after vacation where he did lots of fishing. He was getting supplies ready to deliver around campus. Another Dave, in the maintenance shop had a birthday, so I stopped in at morning break to wish him well. Then I met with Kory-our Executive Director of Development-to review finances, mail campaigns and look at our strategic business planning.
Usually Monday brings a slew of campus emails, but today was oddly quiet on that front. A large group of our Child Services staff spent most of the day in training, trying to build team work. In the midst of the day-to-day activities with the students, we still need to set aside time to give staff the tools they need to do their job well, and have them reflect on ways we can improve.
Tony and Odis are heading up our 7th grade cultural trip this summer, and they stopped by to firm up some plans. This week the students will have a lesson about one of the sites they’re most interested in visiting: Battlefield at the Little Bighorn or the Greasy Grass as it was known to the Sioux. Some of our students can name great-great grandparents who fought for their people’s freedom there!
We SCJ’s received sad news today that one of our confreres, Fr. Charles Bisgrove, had a stroke and died at the young age of 58. When I was in Novitiate, he taught a class on the Documents of Vatican II, and also a course on Liturgy. He brought such enthusiasm to his teaching; it was contagious. I learned a lot from him. It reminds me how much impact a good teacher can have on their students, even many years down the road. May he rest in peace.
It reminds me how much impact a good teacher can have on their students, even many years down the road
I helped Fr. Anthony with the regular Sunday morning mass. I led a second one at 4:00 p.m. so our prom students could have a chance for a little shut-eye after post prom and actually be awake instead of struggling to stay awake in church. I enjoyed praying with a smaller, more focused congregation. I preach to high school students differently than when I’m trying to reach a first or second grader, and can talk from the heart about more serious subject matters. Like their relationship struggles and questions of self-identity that weigh heavy on their hearts and minds.
We also invited students from town who wanted to join us, and it’s nice when classmates from Chamberlain High School can feel welcome and take part in our campus activities. I also noticed that the students who volunteered to read the scriptures were more relaxed when there were fewer people around, and all did a good job.
It’s prom night at Chamberlain High School! Several of our houseparents collaborated to serve an elegant, candlelit four course meal to several of our high school prom goers. Aaron and Melissa-two houseparents-who this year switched from high school to work with the primary grades, wanted to come back for a tradition they had when they worked in the high school homes.
Tia-new this year-helped them with her culinary and artistic skills. They enlisted the help some of our younger high school girls who served as waitresses. One of our students referred to the mood music as “elevator music” but enjoyed the relaxing time by evening’s end. We all took a few photos and wished them well on their big night out on the town.
The high school has a Grand March of all the prom goers. Families and friends are allowed to come into the Armory for the first hour before the music and prom really gets going. Everyone wants to see the glamorous couples and take lots of pictures. Several of our homes attended the pre-prom festivities, including the Afra Home (1st – 3rd grade girls) who were particularly excited about seeing their older relatives and classmates.
Don’t the St. Joseph’s Indian School’s kids look great?Our houseparents collaborated to serve a candlelit meal.
We had a fun giveaway of 20 Minnesota Timberwolves basketballs after school today, courtesy of some friends from a church in Mankato, Minnesota. Some prizes were given our through a door prize drawing, while others were earned through shooting competitions, or copy-cat basketball skill drills. Our generous guests presented the balls to the winners, and our kids showed their appreciation with handshakes and huge grins. I enjoyed the time I spent with our visitors giving a tour of the school, homes and campus and answering their questions about St. Joseph’s Indian School’s programs.
Our FAST (Families and Schools Together) families gathered again on campus this weekend. I stopped by to greet the families. A few of our high school girls volunteered to babysit the little ones that families brought with them. I sat with those students at supper to hear plans about prom, upcoming summer jobs and adventures.
I don’t handle hardly any of the day-to-day business, but I started the day with a bank run. I never mind getting asked to go downtown to take paperwork for a signature, because that usually means someone has gifted us with stocks or bonds in a sizeable amount that requires my certification. Especially in a difficult economy, I am so grateful for people’s generosity.
Can you identify some of the activities the St. Joseph’s Indian School’s students participated in?
In the school assembly room, our houseparents set up booths with photos and hands on activities so other staff could stop by and learn about their home activities. One table showed the Lakota (Sioux) cultural projects jr. high students were working on. Another showed lovely wooden picture boxes the houseparents built as keepsakes for their graduating 8th graders each year. The Girl Scout troop leader showed examples of the many crafts her girls created over these last months. One home uses pictures of their 4th and 5th grade girls to make calendars for the families and guardians each year. Yet another makes a DVD to send home with the kids at the end of the year. Our houseparents are not only a very dedicated group, but they have lots of creativity and go the extra mile to make our homes feel more like a home.
Emily is our new photographer, and we set out for some new pictures with the students. It’s fun to take part in a classroom activity or have fun on the playground, and I do those things regularly anyway. Most of our kids have practically grown up around me, so they’re not at all bashful if there’s a camera present. It was a gorgeous-though windy-spring day, and the break from the office felt invigorating.
Dixie from our Akta Lakota Museum & Culture Center gave me a folder of art submissions for next week’s Museum Acquisition meeting. I’m not well schooled in art, and I don’t make the selections. However I did have some fun at the William Home (4th-5th grade girls) showing them the pictures and asking them to choose some of their favorite pieces. I want to show them that there’s more to art than just trying to make something look as realistic as possible, but the use of shape, color and texture can all be used creatively. After supper, I cheered for the girls on the softball diamond. I volunteered to pitch one inning. Though I tried to lay the ball right down the middle for students to hit away, I had surprisingly stellar defense behind me. They caught every ball that was hit and I finished with a perfect 1 2 3 inning.
I finished the evening at the gym, taking part in a game of 21 with three high school boys all several inches taller than me. With my limited “3 inch” vertical leaping ability, I didn’t earn many rebounds among the trees. When I did get a board through a lucky carom or bounce, I had to make the most of it. I hit a few outside shots, and left knowing that even 10 months after surgery, I still have much work to rehab my leg.
The St. Joseph’s Indian School was eerily quiet today when I walked over to see what was going on. All the students are taking part in the semi-annual Dakota STEP testing in order to measure their yearly progress. Our teachers use the results to see what areas they need to work more closely with the individual students. Kids were very quiet as they were reading, figuring and filling in the circles with good old #2 pencils.
The only noise I heard was coming from the 1st grade classroom. Their attention span is too short for a 2 hour block of testing, so they have more breaks. They had their crayons and markers out and were coloring pictures of Easter eggs and a Good Friday picture of a hill with three crosses on it. It gave me the chance to explain part of the Good Friday and Easter story.
We got word that one of our alumni was elected president of the Native American Club at South Dakota State University. Congratulations Stefen! We keep working so our graduates can fulfill more and more of their potential, and it’s a boost to hear when they are doing well.
This morning our maintenance crew finally got to a project they’ve been thinking about for years. Since the 40’s or 50’s we’ve had the cement remains of an old foundation in the center of Wisdom Circle, at the heart of campus. They finally dug it up, to improve the safety of the play area. The project will take a couple of days and after school-kids will be kids-and were having more fun climbing the mounds of dirt and running back and forth through the hole left behind. I’m sure the houseparents will have some extra clean up to do once the kids get home!
These Native American girls have great archery skills!
The students who’ve been learning archery put on a demonstration this evening in the Rec Center. The girls won round one, and the boys saved face and won the second round. The equipment came from a grant from the South Dakota division of Game Fish and Parks. I enjoyed seeing a few students who are not athletic in football or basketball, shoot extremely well in this sport. It requires a good eye, steady hand, lots of concentration and self-control. I always hope learning such discipline can also translate to the classroom and life.
After morning chapel, I noticed all the bicycles had returned to the racks – out of storage after the long winter. That’s a sign of optimism that spring is officially here. Temperatures were chilly in the morning, but in the 60’s and wonderful by the afternoon. Besides the bikes, I also noticed the sidewalk chalk has been brought out; the result of which was a series of colorful drawings and writing in front of the Benedictine Homes.
On the way back to the house, I spied one of the older school cars plowed into the fence at the edge of the football field, and knew there was some juicy story behind that sight. Last night one of our high school students drove over to see her sisters play softball. She didn’t get the car fully into parking gear, and after she got out it rolled down the hill, scattering everyone on the diamond! Thankfully no one was hurt and hopefully a valuable lesson was learned.
Today, we finished two days of strategic planning meetings. Our facilitator met with focus groups of houseparents, teachers, staff, representatives from the area’s business, school and law enforcement community. He also listened to our high school students and made a trip to the Lower Brule Indian Reservation to hear from parents and alumni. We’re also doing an online survey with some of our donors to look at key issues we will try to work on over the next 3-5 years. It will take us many more meetings over the next 6 months or so to flesh out the plan. What was noticeable, was so many people really caring and trying to make the programs and policies better here at St. Joseph’s Indian School.
I’m back from a four-day trip to Kansas City where we held two donor appreciation luncheons. I sat next to Will on his very first flight and he had his nose pressed to the window the whole way. He was excited to see both city and countryside from the air, and pointed out our plane’s shadow passing over the clouds below. He and Kuwa stared with fascination at workers loading baggage into the belly of the plane and both young men giggled like little kids when they discovered the airport’s moving walkways.
When we travel one of my rules that the students often hear me repeat is: try at least one new food each day. The first night we ate at a buffet which made that much easier. I had to laugh when I opened my fortune cookie which read, “Now is the time to try something new”! I have to admit that this duo was pretty adventurous.
Fr. Steve and the boys enjoying a baseball game!
Neither student had ever been to a major league baseball game and were excited for the chance to see the Royals and Angels play. We were treated to a walk off home run to win the game for KC in the bottom of the 9th, and after the game Kaufmann Stadium delighted fans with a colorful fireworks display.
Our luncheons drew 50 people each day. Both High School students were understandably nervous the first day, but with a little prompting, they had plenty to say. On the second day, they were more relaxed, drew a few more laughs and many more questions. Folks had a sense of living history when one of the guys told folks that Red Cloud was his great-great grandfather.
Many of our donors have known about St. Joseph’s Indian School for a long time, but only a small portion have ever gotten to visit the school. One of our donors has known about St. Joseph’s for a very long time because his mother graduated from there in the 1950’s. As always, we met so many kind and generous people, and enjoyed the chance to get to know each other better.
Before we left on the trip, I gave the students each a AAA tour book to look up sights they wanted to be sure to see. Surprisingly, an object art museum struck their fancy. Outside the Nelson Atkins Art Museum are two giant badminton birdies they wanted to get their picture taken by to show their friends. After checking that item off our list, we were close to an old historic area known as the Plaza. As we toured through that area, their heads were turning in every direction trying to take in the sights and sounds of everything from jazz street musicians to limousines and Cinderella like horse-drawn carriages. As we drove through downtown, they rolled down the windows to gawk at all the tall buildings.
St. Joseph's students and staff enjoyed some great food!
Mike, our houseparent chaperone, scouted out what he heard was arguably the best BBQ in a city that takes cuisine quite seriously. He was nervous and in disbelief when we pulled up because the line extended out the door into the parking lot, and this restaurant was in a gas station!