What a Sport!

I remember one of the first high school basketball games I went to as a sixth grader spectator. I was nervous and not really sure what to expect of the big kids in the student section. I remember walking into the Legion Auditorium our school used for games. The slightly sweaty smell from the players and crowd, hot humid air, the adults sitting around the gym, and the noise. I remember making my way to the student section, sitting down and feeling a bit out of place. I was new to this and didn’t know or understand the rules of cheering at a game. But soon, learned what one could or couldn’t do. Learning the cheers, knowing when to stand up and shout and knowing when to be quiet. Taking my cues from the older kids and learning what sportsmanship was. It was exciting being part of the group and being swept up into the hysteria of the moment. I still think I could yell some of the cheers from those days!

Continue reading “What a Sport!”

Flipping over St. Joseph’s Indian School!

Starting in 2011 the Rec Center decided to give our younger girls an opportunity to try gymnastics. When we started out, we just had a small room with a tile floor and a stack of puzzle mats. The first couple of years, only girls in first through third grades participated, learning basic tumbling skills and stretching. Continue reading “Flipping over St. Joseph’s Indian School!”

CATCH program gives students new approach to diet and exercise

2018 is shaping up to be a healthy year at St. Joseph’s Indian School!

As of January 15, a new program called Coordinated Approach to Child Health (CATCH) is in place for students. The program is part of a nationwide effort to combat childhood obesity and teach students healthy lifestyles. Continue reading “CATCH program gives students new approach to diet and exercise”

Reflections from a Residential Coordinator

St. Joseph’s students spending time outdoors this fall on the playground.

My grandmother, Emerald, took pictures all the time. She always had her camera on the ready with back up batteries and film. She would take pictures at family gatherings, funerals, graduations, a new house; you name it and Emerald was taking pictures. She was always herding people together for a picture. The running joke in the family was about Emerald and her camera. “Emerald better get a picture of that!” Continue reading “Reflections from a Residential Coordinator”

St. Joseph’s Language Efforts Earn Recognition from Lakota Language Consortium

St. Joseph’s students earned the highest achieving spot at the middle school level.

For the second year in a row, St. Joseph’s Indian School students have earned awards from the Lakota Language Consortium! At the elementary level, test scores earned the Most Improved distinction. At the middle school level, St. Joseph’s students earned the highest achieving spot! In addition to ranking overall scores, the “highest achieving” recognition takes into account number of students participating and especially focuses on number of students in higher level classes.

“It’s a wonderful honor,” said LaRayne Woster, St. Joseph’s Native American Studies teacher.  “This is our third year using the curriculum, and it’s so exciting to see it working and hear students speaking Lakota!” Continue reading “St. Joseph’s Language Efforts Earn Recognition from Lakota Language Consortium”

Student Knowledge Put to the Test during 41st Annual Lakota Nation Invitational

St. Joseph’s LNI Knowledge Bowl team: Nick, Lillian, Krista and Listella. Not pictured: Taelonna.

Another LNI Knowledge Bowl (Quiz Bowl) was completed and once again we did well.

We started off December 14 at 8:30 a.m. with each member of our team – all rookies – taking four exams in their respective subject areas. We had one new team member, Krista, earn a 1st Place plate in Senior Grammar, which was outstanding! Boy, was she shocked and proud!

Then the double elimination quiz bowl competition began in earnest. Continue reading “Student Knowledge Put to the Test during 41st Annual Lakota Nation Invitational”

PFC Martina Hawk receives 2nd AAM Award

Martina, an alumna of St. Joseph’s Indian School’s graduating class of 2016, was recently awarded the Army Achievement Medal for the second time!

Martina attended St. Joseph’s for 11 years and was very involved in the St. Joseph’s and Chamberlain High School communities. Continue reading “PFC Martina Hawk receives 2nd AAM Award”

Christmas Store helps spread cheer to student families

Ho ho ho! Santa’s helper made an appearance during the festivities on December 9.

The students attending St. Joseph’s Indian School appreciate receiving gifts from our donors – especially during the Christmas season. This kindness makes each boy and girl feel extra special.

But, part of the holiday season is the practice of not only receiving, but giving. That’s why St. Joseph’s Christmas Store is something so many students look forward to. Within the store, our students can shop – not for themselves, but for their family members back home in their reservation communities.

Continue reading “Christmas Store helps spread cheer to student families”

Students Glow during ‘Artist in Residence’ Visit

Bob H. Miller (right) leads the class as they work on their black light artwork.

St. Joseph’s Indian School hosts four to five artists throughout the school year to work with our students. For about a week, an artist with unique talents joins students on campus to teach them about their area of expertise. The program is sponsored by the South Dakota Arts Council’s Artists in Schools & Communities program.  South Dakota Arts Council support is provided with funds from the State of South Dakota, through the Department of Tourism, and the National Endowment for the Arts.

Most recently, students learned how to create black light art. Read on for a look inside the classroom during the visit from Bob H. Miller, a visual artist with over 40 years of experience. Continue reading “Students Glow during ‘Artist in Residence’ Visit”