You can tell a lot about a person…

You can tell a lot about a person from how they handle a rainy day and tangled Christmas lights. Or even a snowy day and plugged up bottles of Elmer’s glue.

Claire is a houseparent at St. Joseph’s Indian School.

That was my weekend at least.  Last Saturday was the retreat for St. Joseph’s Lakota (Sioux) students who have chosen to go through sacramental preparation.  In typical South Dakota fashion, the weather didn’t go exactly as envisioned – bad weather and icy roads prevented some family members from joining in the activities.

When we gathered at noon to begin our day, I saw many glum faces gazing in disappointment at the fog and snow coming down outside. Just when I was beginning to feel blue myself, I noticed a young man in a snazzy dress shirt and tie. He really, really, really wanted to be there.  I found his enthusiasm inspiring … even infectious.

Our Native American students were divided into groups for the hands-on activities. As they came to the station led by Karen and me in the Art Room, the students regaled us with tales from their other stations—tasting unconsecrated wine (ew yuck!); touching or trying on vestments (perhaps some future inspiration, eh?); baking unleavened bread; learning the Gifts of the Holy Spirit (for which they received candy prizes) and more.

Karen and I were assigned to help the candidates make their stoles for receiving the sacraments. This involved several days of preparation: cutting out 25 white felt stoles and drawing, cutting and assembling an assortment of felt symbols to be glued to the stoles: doves, candles, crosses, hosts and water.

The Lakota children and their families decide if they want to participate in sacramental preparation at St. Joseph’s Indian School.
The whole family was there to help – even the baby!

All this done, they day was here. Students were arriving!

When we started, we were stymied by the Elmer’s bottles, which had become plugged with dried glue. I bet Martha Stewart never had days like this… jamming pencils into the bottle necks and slathering the glop onto the cutout chalices and crosses.

Sticky hands, sticky tables and what? A nosebleed?

Somehow it all came out right, even though Karen had to do some serious hot-glue repairs the next day.

I asked one family to pose for a picture and they beamed with pride. Everyone was there to help, even the baby. They surrounded the candidate with hugs and smiles as they assembled his stole.

Another group was definitely feeling the absence of missing family members. They stuck together tightly. All boys, they seemed a little awkward standing there with their stoles and glue. An affectionate family wrestling match broke out and eased the tension. When I asked for a picture, the eldest got quite serious. He put on his stole with the glue still drying. It made him seem older and wiser somehow.

When we all joined together as a large group once again before Mass, the feeling was relaxed and happy.  Nate led them all in an unintelligible game of “What if…?”

The Lakota children model the stoles they created for receiving the sacraments.
Everyone created a stole to wear on the day they will receive the sacraments.

What if you had to choose to eat a spider or a snake?

“I’d eat a spider!”

You would eat a spider? Are you crazy??

The boys couldn’t get enough of it and they hung on him like he was a jungle gym.

What could I take away from this mini-retreat?  As always, I was awed by the contagious power of joy.  When a person has it, they can’t help but pass it on.

I was also reminded of God’s love — a love that knows and accepts in all circumstances; a love that calls by name and overlooks the mess and the fuss; a love that is felt even when it can’t always be seen “in person;” a love that does not forget or abandon.

I feel fortunate to help prepare these precious children for a deeper relationship with God. I feel even more blessed in how they help my faith to grow as well.

Thank you to St. Joseph’s many benefactors who make learning like this possible!


Sacramental Preparation for the Lakota (Sioux) Boys and Girls

What a busy week it’s been at St. Joseph’s Indian School!

Last Saturday, we held sacramental preparation for those Lakota (Sioux) students who have chosen to take this step with the support of their families. We have 21

Fr. Anthony, St. Joseph’s Chaplain, shares with the Lakota children during Sacramental Preparation.
Fr. Anthony visits with the students participating in Sacramental Preparation about vestments and the celebration of Liturgy.

preparing for all three Sacraments of Initiation — Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation and five preparing for First Communion.

The students’ families were invited to come and take part as the children had different sessions learning about the gifts of the Spirit, bread making, the stoles they’ll wear at Baptism, and an explanation of the vestments worn and items used in the celebration of the Liturgy.

However, a snowstorm forced some changes in plans and only a few families were able to come.  The students will receive the Sacraments on April 27.  Please keep them in your prayers over these next few weeks.

On Sunday, the Knights of Columbus used St. Joseph’s rec center gym to host the statewide finals of their annual free throw contest.  Participants from all over South Dakota were able to come and shoot it out.  The atmosphere was tense and focused – you could have heard a pin drop as contestants took their turn.  St. Joseph’s own Keshaume placed fifth in his category!

Monday saw the local religious community have a day of recollection offered by Fr. Wayne Jenkins, SCJ, who is the archivist for the Priests of the Sacred Heart (SCJS). He gave us a reflection on the Last Supper and the Triduum of Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday. He was excited to visit St. Joseph’s campus and see the new Alumni & Historical center that has been added to the Akta Lakota Museum & Cultural Center.

Tonight, the Chamberlain High School Cubs will host Miller in a regional play-off basketball game.  The boys had a tough fight when they met this opponent during the year, so it should be an exciting contest.

The CHS Lady Cubs won a thriller last week when they beat Cheyenne Eagle Butte 55-53.  It went right down to the wire! The Cubs were almost knocked out by a former St. Joseph’s student, Jaylnn, who transferred to Cheyenne Eagle Butte – she had 14 points and was tough defensively.

The girls’ next game is Friday night when they play Winner, a team that was 19-1 during the regular season.

I hope you have a great week! May God bless and reward you for your generosity for the Lakota boys and girls!


Fr. Anthony Kluckman, SCJ


Girls just wanna have fun! (especially at St. Joseph’s Indian School)

And that’s certainly what they were doing when I peeked into gymnastics practice with the first and second graders the other day! Forward rolls, back bends, and the

Anita works at St. Joseph's rec center.
Anita, rec center


Our Native American girls are learning all this under the watchful eyes of Coaches Mark (Recreation Center staff) and LaRayne (teacher at our elementary school). Yes, the girls are definitely having fun while they are being active, learning coordination, body awareness and image, plus persistence and perseverance!

There is an active gymnastics program at the middle and high school levels in Chamberlain; in fact, two members of the high school team (and the children of St. Joseph’s staff members) were at the state finals in Aberdeen, South Dakota last weekend.

The Lakota (Sioux) children participate in a variety of activities, including gymnastics.
St. Joseph’s first, second and third grade girls practice basic tumbling skills.

Watching the younger girls on the mats, you can see that we’ve got some good potential developing at St. Joseph’s Indian School!

Another thing our young Lakota (Sioux) girls enjoy is the CHEER TEAM!  This program has been underway for several years.  Besides having fun, learning cooperation and the responsibility of being a team member, they provide leadership and LOUD cheering during our basketball games here on campus!

The groups are coached by former cheerleaders Melissa, Jona & Amanda. These ladies come from very different areas: Jona works in St. Joseph’s Development office, Amanda is a Family Service Counselor and Melissa is the wife of a staff member.

St. Joseph’s students participate in all kinds of sports, including basketball and cheerleading, at our rec center.
St. Joseph’s Cheerleaders get the crowd fired up!

That’s it from the Rec Center for today…but we’ll be back soon with more updates!


St. Joseph’s Indian School: Meet the High School Students Part 1

Hello there! I’m Maija, and I have the best job at St. Joseph’s Indian School! I work primarily with the Lakota (Sioux) students in high school and junior high. I get to plan

Maija works with St. Joseph's high school students

fun activities with the kids, train new houseparents, call applicants and more.

I had the pleasure of putting together a series of five blog posts that you’ll see over the next few weeks – one post from each of our high school homes!

St. Joseph’s high school students live on campus, but attend Chamberlain High School, so their schedule is a little different than our younger students.

I hope this blog gives you a glimpse into our world; the activities the kids are involved with, their hopes, and goals.

HOGEBACH HOME: When one enters the Hogebach Home, they can just feel the good vibes emanating from these young ladies. They describe their home as:

  • Positive
  • Smart
  • Busy
  • Loud
  • Full of laughter
  • The best home ever
  • Amazing
  • Full of independent girls

Michelle sums it up by saying “we’ve got style.”

There are two freshmen and six upperclassmen in St. Joseph’s Hogebach Home.
Ashley, Michelle, Amber, Cassidy, Irene, Melvina and Angela, along with Eya the Dog, make up the Hogebach Home.

Hogebach houses two freshmen and six upper-class Native American girls. The upper-class girls are glad to have such smart freshmen in their home and have done a great job encouraging the younger girls to keep their grades up. They do this in part so they can earn back the academic trophies.

In St. Joseph’s High School program, there are two traveling trophies that circulate through the high school homes:

  • highest average home GPA
  • fewest missing assignments

These trophies are awarded at mid-term and at the end of every quarter, so the homes have eight chances each year to steal it away from the previous winners.

The Hogebach Home once proudly held both trophies for quite a long time. The Hogebach girls have been working hard and hope to win at least one trophy back at the end of the third quarter, which is March 7.

The girls love having Eya, their houseparent’s 13-year-old Australian Shepherd, in their home. They are the only home on campus with a dog and consider him a part of their family. Irene says that Eya loves popcorn and is smart; he knows when someone is sad and he’ll sit by them. Amber states the dog is hers. Either way, the smart dog and smart girls get along very well in the Hogebach Home!

The girls in the Hogebach Home enjoyed a weekend trip with their houseparents.
On their home trip to the Black Hills, the girls and their houseparent, Cheryl, had a blast tubing!

The end of the school year will be here before we know it. All the girls in Hogebach hope they get the trophy back, have no missing assignments ever again and everyone finishes the year staying positive!

Pilamaya – thank you – for your support of St. Joseph’s and these awesome kids!

Have a great week,

Maija & the Hogebach girls

Meet Celia and her mentor match, Martina

Hello, my name is Celia and I am a Residential Coordinator here at St. Joseph’s Indian School; I supervise houseparents in our first, second and third grade community. I

St. Joseph’s mentor program matches Lakota students with caring staff members.
Celia has been Martina’s mentor since 2007.

have been a part of the Children Count mentor program since 2002.

I wanted to be part of the program because so many of our Lakota (Sioux) children could really benefit from another positive adult relationship in their life. I have been matched with Martina since 2007.

She was in third grade when we were matched and is now a sophomore in St. Joseph’s high school program – time goes so fast! I enjoy mentoring her because I feel like I can give her another person to talk to in her life. I can also be there for her if she needs someone to just listen.

We enjoy the activities scheduled by the mentor committee, like picnics, movie night and scavenger hunts, but also enjoy going out to eat or to the movies. I have watched her grow into a nice young lady, and she has so much potential to do great things in the future!

I feel that our time together has been beneficial for both of us. Martina has also said that she feels having a mentor has helped her through the years.  I look forward to continuing our relationship as she graduates from high school and continues her journey through life.

Snow, Basketball and Good News from St. Joseph’s Indian School Alumni

Greetings from St. Joseph’s Indian School!

The weather is in the news again.  It snowed heavily Monday afternoon and is supposed to be cold the rest of the week.  Some of the local school districts shut down early

Cody, one of St. Joseph’s seniors, is on the basketball team.
Earlier in the year, the Chamberlain boys varsity team came to St. Joseph’s for a “Red & White” Scrimmage. Coach Allan and Bryan, St. Joseph’s Rec Director, talked to the Lakota boys and girls about what it takes to be a good player and a good student.

to get students home safely, and started late this morning.

The basketball season for the students at St. Joseph’s and Chamberlain High School is winding down.

Our sixth, seventh and eighth grade teams have their final games Thursday at Todd County. St. Joseph’s Inter-city league will end Sunday.

Play-off games for the boys’ and girls’ state basketball tournament are about to begin for our high school players.

Allan, coach of the Chamberlain Cubs varsity boys, invited St. Joseph’s fourth and fifth grade teams to come into the locker room Friday to experience pre-game preparation and the coach’s pep talk to the team. Allan’s wife Shelby is a teacher at St. Joseph’s; we’re grateful for the connection and his efforts to encourage the Lakota students to be part of the high school team.

Friday night was also parents’ night! St. Joseph’s players presented flowers to their houseparents if their own families were unable to attend.

Our Alumni Liaison, Mary Jane, has recently been reviewing scholarship applications and had some great news to share about former St. Joseph’s students and scholarship recipients:

  • Andrea is working towards her LPN in Lake Andes, South Dakota.
  • Nicole is studying to be a Paramedic in Rapid City, South Dakota.
  • Elijah is taking athletic training at SDSU in Brookings, South Dakota.
  • Keenan is taking Liberal Arts at Haskell Indian Nations University in Lawrence, Kansas, where Sheena is also studying Business.

    Cody, a St. Joseph’s senior, is a great example of a player and student.
    Cody, one of St. Joseph’s seniors, is on the basketball team.
  • Savanna is working on a BSN in nursing at the Kramer School of Nursing in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
  • Jeannine is taking nursing at Oglala Lakota College in Kyle, South Dakota, along with Michelle who is working on an AA in nursing.
  • Erika is taking Digital Film & Video Production at The Art Institute in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
  • Marilyn (Health Information Management) and Weylin (Transportation Tech/Heavy Duty) are both looking forward to graduation in May from Western Dakota Tech in Rapid City, South Dakota.
  • Claudia is taking online courses working on becoming a Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York while she works for the Lower Brule Sioux Tribe as a Youth Care Manager.

Pilamayathank you – for your generosity! The gifts you give help these Native American students prepare for their futures and develop skills they can bring back to their tribes and communities. You are making a real difference!

May God continue to bless and reward you for your generosity for the ongoing needs of the Lakota boys and girls. Have a great week!

Fr. Anthony Kluckman, SCJ


Outstanding Customer Service at the Akta Lakota Museum

Hi everyone!
As we gear up for the busy tourist season to start in May at the Akta Lakota Museum & Cultural Center, I’m excited to share some good news!

Charleen is a key staff member at the Akta Lakota Museum & Cultural Center.
Charleen, Historical Center Coordinator, welcomes guests to the Akta Lakota Museum & Cultural Center.

Charleen, St. Joseph’s Indian School Historical Center Coordinator, was recognized by the South Dakota Department of Tourism and the Governor’s Tourism Advisory Board for her efforts in providing outstanding customer service! For her outstanding effort, she has been awarded the Governor’s Certificate of Recognition for Outstanding Hospitality and Customer Service.

Way to go Charleen!

She is the key member of our frontline team at the museum. In most cases, she is the first person our visitors and donors meet when they visit St. Joseph’s campus. So many visitors have shared positive comments about her pleasant and helpful attitude. We are very pleased to have her as part of our organization!

Plan your visit to St. Joseph’s and the Akta Lakota Museum & Cultural Center now!

God bless!

Fr. Anthony Kluckman, SCJ


An earthquake in South Dakota?

We recently had a bit of excitement with a mild earthquake in our neck of the woods! It only measured 2.9 on the Richter scale and was located about 17 miles southeast of

St. Joseph’s staff and students visit donors in cities around the country from time to time.
Jacquelynne and Alyssa are excited to visit Florida!

Chamberlain.  Nobody at St. Joseph’s Indian School felt it, and there was no damage in the area. Thank goodness!

Two of our young Lakota (Sioux) ladies, Alyssa and Jacquelynne, will be joining other staff members traveling to St. Joseph’s next Donor Luncheon in Cocoa Beach, Florida this weekend. Cocoa Beach is in the Cape Canaveral area.  They are looking forward to visiting with benefactors and friends who attend.

While they may not make it to any of the Daytona 500 going on up the coast, they are looking forward to the Florida weather, a dip in the Atlantic Ocean and a visit to the Cape Kennedy Space Center.  If you are going to be in the Cocoa Beach area and would like to attend, please let us know as soon as you can by calling 1-800-584-9200.

Not going to be near Cocoa Beach? Check our schedule of donor events. We may be coming to an area near you!

St. Joseph’s fourth, fifth and sixth grade basketball teams had the chance to take part in a tournament sponsored by the City of Chamberlain over the weekend.  There were teams from communities in the area and even some who came a great distance.  There was good play on everyone’s part.  Though some of the scores were a bit lopsided, the players had fun.  Our fourth grade team captured 3rd place in their age group thanks to a last second, buzzer-beating shot by Keshaume as he was falling out of bounds!  You may recall Keshaume recently won his age group at the Knights of Columbus regional free throw contest.

St. Joseph’s houseparents care for the Native American children in their campus homes.
St. Joseph’s staff members – from teachers to houseparents to counselors – make our work possible with the Lakota children!

St. Joseph’s will be holding a Staff Appreciation Breakfast this coming Wednesday morning.  The Priests of the Sacred Heart (the religious community that runs St. Joseph’s) does this each year as a special way of saying wopila tankamany thanks – to our employees.

Their efforts combined with your generosity enable us to offer the programs the Lakota boys and girls need – a safe home, food, clothing, counseling and more. We hope this humble gesture is one way of showing our gratitude and appreciation for those who are part of the team here on campus.

I hope each of you has a great week ahead! We will finish the novena of Masses for you and your intentions on February 19.   We offer up a novena each month for all our Benefactors as our way of saying pilamayathank you – for your support.

God bless!

Fr. Anthony Kluckman, SCJ


Akta Lakota Museum featured by South Dakota Tourism

Did you know that St. Joseph’s Indian School is home to the Akta Lakota Museum & Cultural Center?

St. Joseph’s Indian School holds a powwow annually for the Lakota children, their families and guests from around the world.
St. Joseph’s annual powwow will be held September 12-13, 2014.

Preserving and sharing the Lakota (Sioux) culture is a core part of our mission at St. Joseph’s. In addition to Native American Studies classes for our students and our annual powwow, the museum is located on campus for students and visitors alike to broaden their knowledge of the Lakota culture.

Read more in this blog post from South Dakota Tourism and plan your visit today!

Want to receive regular updates? Follow the Akta Lakota Museum & Cultural Center on Twitter and Facebook!

Reading, Writing and Arithmetic for the Lakota students

Lots of reading! I am Linea, and I teach reading to our sixth, seventh and eighth-grade students at St. Joseph’s.

Linea teaches reading at St. Joseph’s Indian School
Linea, St. Joseph’s reading teacher for sixth, seventh and eighth grades.

We are already at the halfway mark of the third quarter at St. Joseph’s Indian School! This school year is going by really fast – I can hardly believe it.  In our reading classes, the Lakota (Sioux) students are currently  finishing up a unit on nonfiction.  We will take our test next week.

Everyone has done well with the informational text such as news articles, science articles and web pages.  They also studied types of visual media such as photographs, illustrations, charts, diagrams and maps.  It’s important that our students are able to comprehend these types of nonfiction because it will help them succeed in their everyday lives.

Next, we will be entering the world of poetry.

In other campus news, the boys are in the middle of their basketball season. Sometimes I think I have as much fun watching them as they do playing!

St. Joseph’s Lakota students study reading, science, math and other core subjects.
St. Joseph’s sixth graders worked with Linea on a unit about nonfiction writing.

We just finished up Catholic Schools Week and provided our Native American students with a few extra activities for them to enjoy.  One activity was Academic Game Day in where the teachers provided a game for the students to enjoy.  There was a wide variety and the students moved from classroom to classroom so they could enjoy them all.  In my class, we played Language Arts Who Wants to be a Millionaire.  I was pleased with the number of millionaires I had!

Thank you for being part of our tiyospayeextended family!

Linea – 6 – 8th Grade Reading Teacher