This morning our principal stopped in to discuss our priorities for next year in hiring specialist teachers, since we had some turnover last year. Do we add to our Lakota studies program? Can we find replacements for our Music teacher or Personal Living Skills teacher who have taken jobs elsewhere?
We have so much that we want to teach our children in need, but only so many class periods in the day to do it. We even talked about possible electives at the end of the school day or offering some Saturday lessons. It is a hard balancing act.
God never promised trying to reach out to people in need would be relaxing or easy.
Most days are fun and delightful here, but some days are heavy and draining. This afternoon, I fielded a call from an alumni who was having lots of personal difficulties and was very depressed, struggling to find reasons to keep going.
After that, I met with a disabled person who is in danger of losing his apartment. Then it was a trip to the law office to try to straighten out complicated legal issues we’ve been working on for a long time.
At day’s end, I felt tired and had a tension headache. God never promised trying to reach out to people in need would be relaxing or easy. That’s just part and parcel of the call to ministry.