Odds and Ends at St. Joseph’s Indian School!

Good day from St. Joseph’s Indian School.

I thought I’d write about a few odds-and-ends of what has been happening here on campus and in the local community.


Last Friday, I was driving back to campus and came across one of our local motels that had their sign up saying “No Vacancy.” Continue reading “Odds and Ends at St. Joseph’s Indian School!”

Mathias/Stevens Home- Spotlight

Every Tuesday for the next few months, we will be highlighting one of our 20 homes on St. Joseph’s campus.

Here at St. Joseph’s, we provide nationally-accredited home-away-from-homes for Native American children in grades one through twelve.

There are no dorms at St. Joseph’s. Children live in one of our campus homes with two specially-trained houseparents. They live and play together as any family would. The boys and girls learn life skills and enjoy spending time with their ‘St. Joseph’s family’.


Diane and Milton are two of our 3-day houseparent staff. During their 6 days on, 3 days off schedule that is typical for all of our houseparents, they spend 3 days in the Mathias and 3 days in the Stevens homes. This type of schedule allows for both our 6-day and 3-day houseparents to have 3 days off after their 6-day shift.

Our 3-day houseparents play an integral role in both homes they serve! Continue reading “Mathias/Stevens Home- Spotlight”

Softball, Luncheons, GEMS, Basketball and Flat Francis have kept us busy!

Good morning from St. Joseph’s Indian School!


The softball season kicked off last Monday evening with a lot of fans in the bleachers to watch and cheer on their favorite team. Since I was watching from the SCJ Community House, I felt like I had a box seat at the Toronto Blue Jays’ stadium! (They have a hotel in deep center so you can watch the game from your room). Continue reading “Softball, Luncheons, GEMS, Basketball and Flat Francis have kept us busy!”

Cyr Home- Spotlight

Every Tuesday for the next few months, we will be highlighting one of our 20 homes on St. Joseph’s campus.

Here at St. Joseph’s, we provide nationally-accredited home-away-from-homes for Native American children in grades one through twelve.

There are no dorms at St. Joseph’s. Children live in one of our campus homes with two specially-trained houseparents. They live and play together as any family would. The boys and girls learn life skills and enjoy spending time with their ‘St. Joseph’s family’.

St. Joseph’s Cyr Home is one of our 4-6 grade boys’ homes on campus.

Theresa and Odis 6-day houseparents. Theresa has an interesting story and has been at St. Joseph’s since the fall of 1986. Here is what she shared:

 “I have been here since the fall of 1986. When I came in ’86, I re-started the yearbook program and was the editor for a number of years. Through this process, I got to know everyone on campus!

 Throughout my time at St. Joseph’s, I have been a houseparent, houseparent trainer, director of religious education, religion teacher and then back to being a houseparent. I enjoyed all my positions, but with houseparenting you get to know a smaller group of kids better than when I was a teacher and had all of the children in my classes. 

I found out about St. Joseph’s when I was in Canada working as a houseparent for a high school program in British Columbia.  A couple I knew from there had come to work at St. Joseph’s after leaving Canada.

I like to garden, and in August when the boys come back to school I usually have cantaloupe growing – they help me water it and really enjoy helping me eat it. J

Why I enjoy the work I do?  I wouldn’t enjoy it if I didn’t have great partners.  It really does take two of us to do the work and still have time to enjoy doing things with the kids. Of course I also enjoy the kids – it is fun to watch them mature and working with them keeps me young.” Continue reading “Cyr Home- Spotlight”

State Basketball Recap and Construction Update

Good day from St. Joseph’s Indian School.

The quiet of a week-long Spring Break was shattered this past Sunday as students and staff returned to campus ready to head into the 4th quarter. We held a prayer service to kick off the last quarter of the school year on Tuesday, asking for God’s guidance and direction and the support of the Holy Spirit as the academic year begins to wind down.

The students have been quite busy signing up for teeball, softball, cross country and a gymnastics camp being held in downtown Chamberlain. There is also some preparation underway to have student vs staff basketball games Continue reading “State Basketball Recap and Construction Update”

Senior Home- Spotlight

Every Tuesday for the next few months, we will be highlighting one of our 20 homes on St. Joseph’s campus.

Here at St. Joseph’s, we provide nationally-accredited home-away-from-homes for Native American children in grades one through twelve.

There are no dorms at St. Joseph’s. Children live in one of our campus homes with two specially-trained houseparents. They live and play together as any family would. The boys and girls learn life skills and enjoy spending time with their ‘St. Joseph’s family’.

In 2015, St. Joseph’s began our High School Senior Home program. Hogebach, our senior home, provides opportunities for current high school seniors to learn the skills and responsibilities they will need to be successful after graduation.

Nancy, Al, Melissa and Aaron are St. Joseph’s Senior Advisors.

Nancy and Al have been houseparents at St. Joseph’s for four years. This year is extra special since they have been with the four senior girls since their freshman year! They have enjoyed getting to know both the girls and boys even more this year.

Prior to coming to St. Joseph’s, Continue reading “Senior Home- Spotlight”

Although it’s spring break, there’s still much to do!

Good day from St. Joseph’s Indian School.

Things are a bit quiet here on campus since the elementary students are on their Spring Break this week.  Our high school students are still in session, but they are enjoying a day off today since the Chamberlain High School team has qualified for the State A Basketball Tournament.


The Chamberlain Cubs are the #2 seed in the tournament this year and played in their first game last night. Two players on the team, two cheerleaders and the mascot are St. Joseph’s students! Please keep them in prayer- that they’ll play their best and that no one is injured. Continue reading “Although it’s spring break, there’s still much to do!”

David Home- Spotlight

Every Tuesday for the next few months, we will be highlighting one of our 20 homes on St. Joseph’s campus.

Here at St. Joseph’s, we provide nationally-accredited home-away-from-homes for Native American children in grades one through twelve.

There are no dorms at St. Joseph’s. Children live in one of our campus homes with two specially-trained houseparents. They live and play together as any family would. The boys and girls learn life skills and enjoy spending time with their ‘St. Joseph’s family’.

St. Joseph’s DAVID HOME is one of our 1-3 grade girls’ homes on campus.

Luisa and Jachin are the David Home 6-day houseparents. They do a fantastic job with the young girls in our care here at St. Joseph’s!

Here are a few fun facts about the girls of David Home:   Continue reading “David Home- Spotlight”

St. Joseph’s students are busy!

Good day from St. Joseph’s Indian School.

As the calendar keeps rolling along, sports and other activities change and our students take turns trying new things. Since the weather had been so nice, they are enjoying a variety of great options!
Continue reading “St. Joseph’s students are busy!”

Speyer Home- Spotlight

Every Tuesday for the next few months, we will be highlighting one of our 20 homes on St. Joseph’s campus.

Here at St. Joseph’s, we provide nationally-accredited home-away-from-homes for Native American children in grades one through twelve.

There are no dorms at St. Joseph’s. Children live in one of our campus homes with two specially-trained houseparents. They live and play together as any family would. The boys and girls learn life skills and enjoy spending time with their ‘St. Joseph’s family’.

St. Joseph’s Speyer Home is one of our 7-8 grade boys’ homes on campus.

Sue and Andrew are the Speyer Home 6-day houseparents. As houseparents, Sue and Andrew look forward to the future of the home and are enjoying watching the boys learn and develop into young men.

The boys of the Speyer Home all get along well with each other. They are also learning that cleaning well during the week makes it easier come the weekend when they have to deep-clean the house. 🙂

Here are a few fun facts about the boys of the Speyer Home: Continue reading “Speyer Home- Spotlight”